LIHAT berita ini!
March 03, 2009 11:24 AM ‘Perak State Assembly Meets Under A Tree’ IPOH, March 3 (Bernama) -- Perak state assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar and 27 opposition assemblymen convened an "emergency session" under a tree, about 100m from the state assembly building here, today.
The session was held under a tree at 10.20am after the group was barred by police from entering the Perak Darul Ridzuan building, which houses the state assembly, because it did not have the consent of the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah. It was adjourned 25 minutes later after approving three motions. Earlier, a scuffle occurred when the opposition members tried to enter the building grounds to attend the emergency session in the building.
Police only allowed Sivakumar into the building at about 9.45am and members of the public, including the media, were told to disperse. Ipoh OCPD ACP Azisman Alias issued a warning to arrest anyone, including elected representatives, who refused to disperse. Police have since yesterday maintained tight security in the area, including closing several roads leading to the building. Over 100 opposition supporters had gathered outside the building since early morning.
The main gate of the Perak Darul Ridzuan building in Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang had been closed since yesterday afternoon and only civil servants working there were allowed in today.
The building houses the offices of the Perak menteri besar, state secretary and the state legislative assembly. Last Friday, Sivakumar called for an emergency session of the assembly today but menteri besar Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir and assembly secretary Abdullah Antong Sabri said it was not valid because it did not have the consent of the Sultan of perak.
Sivakumar, however, said that it was valid and was made under the Perak state constitution. Policemen, including those from the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) also guarded the back gate of the state assembly building. At the Ipoh High Court, lawyers representing both the Barisan Nasional and the opposition coalition gathered in the court compound awaiting the outcome of the application by Zambry and his six state executive councillors to declare Sivakumar's decision to suspend them from the state assembly null and void.
Sivakumar had suspended Zambry for 18 months and the state executive councillors for 12 months each. He also suspened state assembly secretary Abdullah Antong with immediate effect yesterday. – BERNAMA
Pertarungan mesti diteruskan. Berjayakah BN peralatkan Sutan Perak? Pada saya, siapa dapat restu Sultan Perak, dia menang. Berdoa dan sembahyang hajatlah, supaya AllahSWT beri kemenangan kepada perjuangan Islam.
Sekian catatan kali ini... Wallahu aklam.
e-mail: ibnuhasyim@ gmail.com
Mac 3, 2009. KL.
Sila rujuk artikal berkaitan www.ibnuhasyim.com/ dan lain-lain. 1.. Sejarah dan Bgrn Freemason 2.. Lawan Yahudi di Indonesia 3.. Haram melibatkan diri dengan kegiatan Freemason 4.. Sunday, February 22, 200 Pakatan Mahathir, Najib, Sultan Perak Melalui… 5.. Saturday, February 21, 2009 Sultan Perak Murtad? 6.. Saturday, February 21, 2009 Mengapa Yahudi Tambah Ganas? Apa Peranan Kita.. 7.. Friday, February 20, 2009 Lawan Yahudi Di Indonesia.. 8.. Friday, February 20, 2009 Reformasi Di Saudi, Ala Yahudi? 9... Thursday, February 19, 2009 Kerajaan BN Perak, Sikit Lagi Nak Jatuh.. 10…Friday, January 30, 2009 Zionis Melayu Di Indonesia, Siapa Di Malaysia? Dan lain-lain.
Sungguh memalukan rakyat dan Kerajaan Demokrasi Raja Berperlembagaan! Alhamdulillah aku rakyat Penang dan kat Penang tak jadi penghinaan demokrasi sebegini.
ReplyDeleteDitto Zaidi...
ReplyDeleteI normally care less about happenings in Perak, but this is a good one Tn Haji. retweeted here:
http://twurl.nl/bmnzbw and on my facebook.
Di mana jua perhimpuann yang dijalankan selagi dalam negeri Perak dan disertai oleh cukup ADUN maka sudah tentu ianya sah.
ReplyDeleteDi sini jelas, mereka yang memperkatakan tentang demokrasi sendiri cuba menggagalkan demokrasi dengan mentutup pintu.
Polis sendiri tidak faham dgn demokrasi dengan menghalang ADUN dari menjalankan tugas masing2.
Semua ini lambang betapa org yg gila kuasa sanngup buat saja utk menghalang demokrasi.
Aku cadangkan kita tukar sistem Demokrasi Raja Berperlembagaan kepada Demokrasi Polis Berperlembagaan. Amacam?