Saturday, December 05, 2015

P'cis Akan Tutup 160 Buah Masjid, Cabar Umat Islam?

PARIS – Kerajaan Perancis mungkin menutup sehingga 160 buah masjid dalam masa beberapa bulan ini, sebagai sebahagian daripada operasi polis di negara yang diletakkan dalam keadaan darurat itu.
Menurut laporan media tempatan pada Sabtu, di bawah keadaan darurat, pihak berkuasa Perancis dibenarkan untuk bertindak tegas menutup tempat-tempat ibadah yang menggalakkan fahaman radikal.
Seorang ketua imam di Perancis, Hassan El Alaoui memberitahu stesen Al Jazeera, beliau menerajui usaha mencalonkan imam-imam di negara itu serta mengadakan rundingan antara imam dan pegawai penjara.
Sebanyak tiga buah masjid di negara itu sudah pun ditutup sejak siri serangan berdarah di Paris pada 13 November lalu – dan menurut Hassan, lebih banyak lagi masjid lain yang akan ditutup.
“Menurut perangkaan rasmi serta perbincangan kami dengan kementerian dalam negeri, antara 100 hingga 160 masjid akan ditutup kerana dikendali tanpa lesen dan menggalakkan kebencian,” katanya kepada Al Jazeera.
Pihak masjid terlibat dengan penutupan itu turut dikesan gemar menggunakan cara percakapan takfiri iaitu perbuatan menyifatkan seseorang dengan kekafiran, atau menuduhnya dengan hukum kafir.
“Percakapan seperti ini tidak harus dibenarkan di negara-negara Islam, apatah lagi negara maju seperti Perancis,” kata Hassan, yang menjadi Muslim pertama dilantik ketua imam bagi jabatan penjara pada 2005.
Perancis mahu cabar umatIslam lagi? Kalau berlaku lagi jangan salahkan Islam..

Lihat sebelum ini.. 
E-Buku IH-99: Bermula Perang Hina Agama Di Eropah..
E-Buku IH-99: C/Hebdo, Bermula Perang Hina Agama Di Eropah..


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The US Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group:

Much like Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) is made-in-the-USA, an instrument of terror designed to divide and conquer the oil-rich Middle East and to counter Iran’s growing influence in the region.

The director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan, General William Odom recently remarked, “by any measure the U.S. has long used terrorism. In 1978-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the U.S. would be in violation.”

Lest we forget, the CIA gave birth to Osama Bin Laden and breastfed his organization during the 1980′s. Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, told the House of Commons that Al Qaeda was unquestionably a product of Western intelligence agencies. Mr. Cook explained that Al Qaeda, which literally means an abbreviation of “the database” in Arabic, was originally the computer database of the thousands of Islamist extremists, who were trained by the CIA and funded by the Saudis, in order to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan.

Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy in Iraq exacerbated sectarian divisions and created a fertile breading ground for Sunni discontent, from which Al Qaeda in Iraq took root.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) used to have a different name: Al Qaeda in Iraq. After 2010 the group rebranded and refocused its efforts on Syria.

America is using ISIS in three ways: to attack its enemies in the Middle East, to serve as a pretext for U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat, used to justify the unprecedented expansion of invasive domestic surveillance.

the Jewish Telegraphic Agency – a 97-year old Jewish wire service – reported:

A senior employee of the Dutch Justice Ministry said the jihadist group ISIS was created by Zionists seeking to give Islam a bad reputation.

Yasmina Haifi, a project leader at the ministry’s National Cyber Security Center, made the assertion Wednesday on Twitter, the De Telegraaf daily reported.

“ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. It’s part of a plan by Zionists who are deliberately trying to blacken Islam’s name,” wrote Haifi ….

A former high-level Al Qaeda commander has repeatedly alleged that ISIS works for the CIA.

Investment adviser Jim Willie alleged:

The [Isis] troops that are working there [in Syria and Iraq] are Langley [i.e. CIA] troops. They’re trained, funded, and armed by Langley.

According to Reuters, the U.S.-made weaponry that 'fell' into ISIS including 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles, at least 40 M1A1 main battle tanks, 74,000 machine guns, and as many as 52 M198 howitzer mobile gun systems, plus small arms and ammunition.

The grand total comes to $656.4 million, but experts say those 'losses' represent just a portion of the many hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of U.S.-supplied military equipment that has fallen into ISIS’s hands and is being used against the U.S. and allied forces on the ground in Iraq and neighboring Syria.

Anonymous said...


Orang Kristian berpura-pura menghormati kebebasan beragama di Eropah sedangkan sejarah telah membuktikan orang-orang Kristian dan gereja telah menindas orang Islam dan orang Yahudi dan memaksa mereka memeluk agama Kristian dan merampas dan menukar masjid menjadi gereja. Sebagai contoh 'Spanish Inquistion'.

Bhakan kerajaan Peranchis dan tenetra Peranchis telah membunuh 1.5 juta orang Islam yang tidak bersalah di Algeria dalam tempoh 1954 to 1962 supaya Peranchis boleh terus menjajah Algeria.

Sekarang Perancis menggunakan false flag operation di Paris untuk menindas orang-orang Islam dan menghalang perkembangan agama Islam di Peranchis. Bahkan sebelum ini, kerajaan Peranchis telah mengharamkan perempuan Islam menutup aurat !

Anonymous said...


Bahkan kerajaan Peranchis dan tentera Peranchis telah membunuh 1.5 juta orang Islam yang tidak bersalah di Algeria dalam tempoh 1954-1962 supaya Peranchis boleh terus menjajah Algeria.


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