Monday, December 07, 2015

Presiden PAS & Mesyuarat Ulamak Islam Sedunia Di Doha, Qatar

Alhamdulillah, Sekretariat Kesatuan Ulamak Islam Sedunia kini bermesyuarat di Doha, Qatar dan Mesyuarat Penuh dijadualkan pada 6-7 Disember 2015.

Mesyuarat dipengerusikan oleh Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi selaku Presiden Kesatuan Ulamak Islam Sedunia. Sheikh Abdul Hadi Awang, Naib Presiden Kesatuan Ulamak Islam Sedunia merangkap Presiden Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) turut bersama dalam mesyuarat membincangkan isu-isu dan hala tuju Ummah ini.

The Secretariat of theunion meet to set the stage for the meeting of the board of trustees tomorrow in Doha

Now meet the secretariat of the world Federation of Muslim scholars in the qatari capital Doha to arrange the final equipment and the adoption of the agenda of the third meeting of the board of trustees of the EuropeanUnion in its fourth session 2014 M: 2015 M, which will begin More tomorrow morning, God willing, at ten in the morning and over on 6, 7 Dec 2015 M.

The meeting will be chaired by virtue of the mark of Sheikh Yusuf loan - Malawi the president of the Federation, and runs the meeting the virtue of Sheikh Ali country turn d shaghaghi - the Secretary-General of the Federation, and in the presence of samaahat al-Shaykh Ahmad Al-Khalili - Mufti of the sultanate of Oman and Vice-President of theunion, and virtue of al-faqeeh Lmqạşdy Sheikh Ahmed Irrigation Sony - Vice-President of theunion, and virtue of Sheikh Abdul Hadi, Wang - Vice-President of the union, and virtue of Sheikh Essam Al-Bashir - The Assistant Secretary-General of the Federation, and virtue of Sheikh Abdul Majeed Al-Najjar - Secretary Assistant-General of the Federation, and virtue of Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar Aziz - The Assistant Secretary-General of the Federation, and the owners of the virtue of scientists of the chairpersons of the union.

Sama-sama doakan yang terbaik untuk Ummah. Siiru 'ala barakatillah! 


Anonymous said...

Boleh tolong tanya sekali ke, kenapa Parlimen kenapa boleh ponteng? Private Bill@ Hudud apa cerita?

Anonymous said...

Ko ni macam nudak tak reti bahasa .... kurang akal .... agaknya sekarang ni ko tengah mengocak2 kaki macam budak nangis nak ais krim. Orang PAN lah ni ....

Anonymous said...

Nasib baik kau sekadar bangsat. Kalau kau jadi speaker, MP nak berak pun tak boleh. BODOH TAK BERTEMPAT. TGHA memimpin jamaah siasah. Tahulah dia mengurus jamaah. Speaker dewan pun tak kata apa. Tahi PANDAP CELAKA PULAK SIBOK.

Anonymous said...

Mmg barua Dap ni bodoh tahap cipan ...... tghh tak hadir krn mesy jemaah ulamak kau bising tp LGE tak hadir krn makan angin kat australia kau diam ...... mmg walaun barua Dap yg paling banggang !


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