Menteri Hal Ehwal Ekonomi Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali menolak tuduhan bahawa beliau dan sekutunya mempunyai lebih RM300 juta yang disembunyikan di luar negara.
Bercakap kepada media pada majlis rumah terbuka Aidilfitri hari ini, bekas menteri besar Selangor itu menyifatkan tuduhan itu sebagai 'politik kotor'.
Azmin berkata sekiranya dirinya seorang yang kaya raya, beliau tidak perlu lagi menjadi seorang ahli politik.
"Saya tak nak layan politik kotor.
"Kalau saya ada lebih RM300 juta, saya tidak ada lagi dalam Keadilan (PKR), betul?" katanya.
Sejak mengambil alih pentadbiran Selangor pada tahun 2009, beliau berkata, pemimpin Pakatan Harapan dan Pakatan Rakyat telah menjadikan amalan untuk mengiystiharkan harta mereka.
Azmin berkata demikian merujuk kepada tuduhan yang dibuat oleh blogger 'Toyol Of Selangor' yang mendakwa telah bekerja untuk beliau ebelum ini.
Blogger itu mendakwa dalam tulisan di blog pada 18 Jun lalu bahawa Azmin dan isterinya, Shamsidar Taharin mempunyai banyak akaun bank di luar negara.
Pendedahan blogger "Toyol of Selangor" boleh diikut di sini.Toyol of Selangor
Dear fellow Malaysians. Please read. I am a staff of Azmin Ali, and I can no longer stand by and watch him rob the rakyat! I cannot expose my identity as it will put my life and my family’s life in danger.
We have witnessed the return of power to the rakyat in our recent general election. Faith in our democratic process has been restored and calls for reforms by the government is expected to weed out any form of corruption. But will the Pakatan Harapan political mavericks be able to withstand any similar temptation of money and power? Will the “no-gift” policy for Cabinet members, deputy ministers and political secretaries suffice to deter corruption? Today will be the last day for the toyol of Selangor as MB, the toyol will now focus on federal assets to plunder.
The man who has led the pack in PKR and Selangor during Dato’ Sri Anwar Ibrahim’s incarceration, Azmin Ali now holds the position of Economic Affairs Minister. It is a rewarding role for someone who has survived the last 30 years in the shadow. His mischievous thievery in Selangor reminds us of Khir Toyo during Umno days and perhaps we had Azmin as the ‘toyol’ – a mythical spirit in Malay toyol that mainly steal things from other people, or to do mischief.
With the position as economic minister carrying the task of managing our national assets amounting to 1 trillion, the ‘toyol’ of selangor has now found a bigger prize. Reports of power abuse during his stint as Menteri Besar such as the RM30billion Ijok land deal, use of cronies including Shamsida Taharin (his spouse), Johan Taharin (brother in law) and Muhammad Gaddafi Kamal (proxy) and also an ongoing case involving his nephew Nuzul Fadhli regarding a multi million sandmining deal is enough to make Malaysians fear for another betrayal in safeguarding our national interest.
Although outmanoeuvring scandals is nothing new for someone with his time in politics. What evidence do we have to suggest Azmin and co. have stolen from the rakyat?
Multiple bank accounts were discovered in different countries through an independent investigation. These accounts amounting to hundreds of millions in different currency were held in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Dubai, Hong Kong, India, Shanghai, Abu Dhabi, Australia, Zurich and the United States under the name of Mohamed Azmin Bin Ali 54 accounts, Shamsida Taharin 47 accounts, Johan Taharin 48 accounts and Muhammad Gaddafi Kamal 54 accounts. What is appalling is that these accounts are the only ones found through an informal investigation. The amount would definitely be more but we need a team of investigators to uncover the ‘toyol’s loot.
When will politicians stop creating a dynasty through ill gotten wealth? Ever more since the rakyat have created a history in showing the importance of democratic accountability, we plead Tun Mahathir to uphold to his words of a clean and fair government and summoned MACC to give an unbias look into the matter as the evidence suggests questionable wealth amassed by the ‘toyol’ of Selangor.
We also urge Dato’ Sri Anwar Ibrahim as defacto leader of Pakatan Harapan to look into the ‘toyol’ in his political party as Azmin may now be the weakest link in the new government. Days of kleptocracy is over today, as even the slightest hint of corruption would only cast doubt within the rakyat. We do not need another Najib and Rosmah in this nation. Else the series of expose of the previous administration would merely be pot calling kettle black. Lets catch the toyol before its too late!
Below is just some of the accounts I managed to uncover:.
MR : Kebusukan PH makin hari makin terburai dan terdedah. Rakyat sebelum ini menaruh harapan untuk mendapat sedikit kebaikan dengan jatuhkannya BN dan Najib, tapi malangnya PH pun sama busuk macam UMNO dan BN....
Hubungi juga
Pas dpt 90 juta tak kecoh pun..baru dakwaan bkn betul pun..sumber dari lokman adam yg mmg kita ketahui punya dendam sejak dibuang kerja..
Saman jer. PAS pun saman Sarawak Report. Baru jantan namanya. Keputusan keluar baru tau betul tidaknya, baru tau fitnah atau bukan. RM300juta tu banyak, lg banyak dr rm90juta. Jgn cakap belit2. Tp PH mana berani. Tunggu, mcm2 alasan akan diberi.
tapi malangnya PH pun sama busuk macam UMNO dan BN....
tapi busuk lagi PAS bila agama jadi mainan...
toyol of kelantan beli range rovers pembangunan sengaja dilambatkan.
Ha ha ha
menteri pon takutt.
Ha hajak tergelak cik
Islam jadi pegangan tentulah berbeza dgn liberal jd pegangan. Bg liberalis, mereka yg amalkan Islam, Quran dan hadith, jelas di mata mereka, ilmu ini sebagai mainan. Ini yg bahaya bila liberalis menukarkan isu pegangan sebagai isu mainan. Liberalis akan melebel Islam di bawah tahap liberalis, sekularis serta kafir. Liberalis akan mendokong liberalis, sekular dan kafir sebagai sebaris dan ini yg lebih mulia dari Islam. Jd kesamarataan pd mereka adalah sama berasaskan logik akal liberal. Melakukan perbezaan adalah satu sikap menyekat kebebasan manusia.
Apa2 pun Islam jadi pegangan lebih baik dari Liberal jd pegangan.
Wah sudah terbongkar rahsia pakatan Nazi menternak toyol-toyol yang pandai mencuri berjuta-juta ringgit dan barua-barua yang sibuk menjaja fitnah untuk memburuk-burukkan dan menghina ajaran Islam, ulama Islam, parti Islam dan perjuangan Islam.
Liberalisme dan Islam Liberal adalah ajaran sesat lagi menyesatkan mengikut fatwa majlis fatwa kebangsaan.
Maka pakatan liberal adalah sesat lagi menyesatkan.
Jgn ponteng hahaha.
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